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Check Up and Clean at
Smiles Are Us Park Holme

person during a dental visitOur highly-trained and experienced dental team plays a vital role in helping you achieve and maintain optimal dental health. They are excellent at performing gentle and effective clinical procedures which focus on preventing oral diseases that can not just affect your teeth, but your overall well-being too.

These are just some of the beneficial tasks an oral hygienist may perform during your routine check-up and clean:
  • A thorough oral health assessment of your entire mouth and surrounding issues, including teeth, gums, lips, tongue, cheeks, jaw.
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Obtaining and analysing oral imaging (such as x-rays)
  • Removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line
  • Removing stain build-up on teeth
  • Polishing teeth
  • Applying fluorides, varnishes and sealants to the teeth to prevent decay
  • Teaching optimal oral hygiene techniques such as brushing and flossing (particularly to young children)

Assisting Our Youngest Patients

Did you know that our professional oral hygienists also play a large role in assisting children with their dental health? Due to their advanced training in all areas of oral health and hygiene, they are also able to provide the experienced, gentle, and friendly care that your child requires, particularly as their teeth and gums continue to develop.

Due to the popularity of our children’s dentistry, we are also part of the Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS), an Australian government initiative that allows children aged between two and seventeen years old to be eligible for up to $1000 worth of bulk-billed general and restorative dental treatments (like our check up and cleans).

Want to Learn More?

When was the last time you visited the dentist for your twice-yearly check up and clean? When taking care of your oral health, we highly recommend the unparalleled treatment that our highly trained and skilled oral hygienists can offer. Contact Smiles Are Us Park Holme today to schedule a check up and clean for yourself, or your child!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Check Up and Clean Park Holme, South Plympton, Marion, Ascot Park, Plympton SA | 08 8277 9747